Building Permit Acquisition and Zoning Regulation Approval in Hanover
Before the erection, construction or alteration of any building or structure, commercial developers and private residents of Hanover and the surrounding areas alike must have the proper building permits. It’s the law. And since we’re in the business of helping to build a better Hanover here at Architecture Workshop, we are acutely familiar with the necessary steps to get a building permit. We can help your project get the proper clearance necessary to start building as soon as possible.
Acquiring a Building Permit
To acquire a building permit and begin the construction of your project, Architecture Workshop will help you file an application with the Building Department of Hanover complete with drawn plans of the proposed project. With our expertise, we will see to it that your application is clear, concise and convincing.
How Long Does It Take to Get a Hanover Building Permit?
Once an application is submitted to a zoning board, it typically takes anywhere from 1 to 30 days of review before the permit is issued to the applicant. Clear and accurate drawings, in our experience, tends to be the best way of communicating the project to the zoning board. These visual aids for a proposed development can often increase your chances of getting the permit quickly. We can’t guarantee that the board will hand over a building permit the minute they see our designs, but we can guarantee sparing you the stress and time spent submitting a written proposal yourself.
Types of Special Building Permits in Hanover
Not all projects are created equal. Depending on your project, we may have to apply for a special building permit. The following are special permits your project may require:
Conditional Use Building PermitsA Conditional Use building permit is generally required for site development that features special consideration and conditions so they may be designed, located and operated compatibly with neighboring properties. This can include service stations, child day care centers, businesses that sell alcohol or feature live entertainment.
Conditional Use permits require noticed public hearings with a review by the Zoning Hearing Officer. A decision to approve or deny an application is based on the facts contained in the Zoning Code. The public hearing will be held within 60 days after the completed application is filed. The Board of Supervisors will either approve or deny the Conditional Use within 45 days following the public hearing.
Special Exception Building PermitsA Special Exception building permit, like the Conditional Use permits, allow developers to circumvent ordinances and municipal codes that designate land for a specific use. For example, if you are hoping to build a commercial building in a primarily residential area, you will have to apply for a Special Exception building permit.
Applications are reviewed by the Planning Commission and the Zoning Hearing Board. The Planning Commission submits a written report of its recommendations to the Zoning Hearing Board. After this, a public hearing is held where any party may appear in person or by agent or attorney to voice support or concerns. The Zoning Hearing Board will then grant or deny the request and may prescribe conditions and safeguards that applies to the zoning variance.
Zoning VariancesA zoning variance, as the name suggests, is a request to deviate from the standard set of zoning requirements already in place. Variance applications are reviewed by the Zoning Hearing Board and the Planning Commission.
The Board will schedule a public hearing within 60 days from the receipt of the applicant’s request. The Zoning Hearing Board shall grant or deny the request wholly or in part and may pass on conditions and safeguards deemed necessary to which the variance applies. A written decision will be provided to the applicant within 45 days from the hearing.